I recently asked some of my closet “beyond midlife” friends what their concerns were regarding the aging process.

One thing that stood out from all the things my sweet friends shared with me was this: How do we age gracefully?  Oh, you know, things like~How do we look in the mirror and not get depressed about the wrinkles that stare back at us? And, what about that aging neck that looks more like a turkey neck? What’s up with the extra weight I keep picking up, despite my best efforts to workout and eat sensibly? And, the big one: WHO is that old woman that follows me everywhere I go? Can any of you relate? I sure know I can.

Oh, sweet friends, I sure don’t have the answers to the fountain of youth, is there even such a thing? But, I do know that with some extra help from beauty aids, staying out of the sun,  doing our best to live a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet and some acceptance of who we are on the inside, we can do this. Ohhh, yes, we can!

Let’s start with sleep. Some might ask, “What’s that?” I know I certainly struggle with getting what they call a good night’s sleep most nights. I fall asleep fast, faster than a speeding bullet, as my husband says! But, the trick for me is staying asleep. I’ve tried all sorts of rememdies and aids to help me stay asleep but most things were either short lived or simply didn’t work. What I’ve found works best for me is to stay away from the television and all social media at least an hour before I go to bed. Can I manage this every night? No, there are nights I just need to check my IG one more time or watch a prerecorded show I’ve been waiting days or weeks to watch. But, most nights, I can turn it off, so to speak, and jump into bed. The nights I say no to all the distraction, are the nights I sleep the best and most sound.

How many of you grew up being told you need your beauty sleep? That’s actually a truer than true statement. The benefits of good sleep go way beyond boosting your mood and banishing under-eye circles. However, just providing a happier, more positive mood benefits everyone, including that old lady that stares us down each time we look in the mirror. When we are tired, she looks even more hideous than she really is!! And, getting rid of those under-eye circles is also a bonus. So, if we can manage a good 7-8 hours of sound sleep a night, our world might seem a bit more youthful, at least from our point of view.

Sleep may also help us lose weight! What? I’m in, how about you? Studies show that people who sleep fewer than 7 hours per night are more likely to be overweight or obese. It is thought that a lack of sleep impacts the balance of hormones that affect the appetite.

Now, what about beauty products?


This picture makes me laugh! The things we do and the money we spend to look pretty, young and attractive, right?

About the Author: Rememberwynn2018

The ultimate fashion blog for life over 50!

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